Relation between religion and fashion

A subject which was troubling me – relationship between RELIGION and FASHIONИзображение

– What you think when you see religious symbols in fashion? is that correct or not?
I think that everything around us, everything we see, all with which we live is an inspiration, is a work of art. We reaffirm the existence of something, when mention about it – regardless of how do it.
If folosm extremities, the opposition between religion and photography, fashion, erotica, this means that we have to say something, protested against something, to express, maybe. Fashion and beauty is not a sin, it’s part of us.
Sometimes it becomes too abstract so you can express why the relation between fashion and religion. I dont’t have an exact answer, but I think this relation is beautiful.
It’s just my faith, my opinion!


What is your opinion?


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